Discuss the relationship between young people and the media

“Growing between the Lines” is an event organized by the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori bringing together the main players of the Italian and international media world, students and Italian Institutions.

From the start, Borgo La Bagnaia, near Siena, in Tuscany, has hosted the “Growing between the Lines” event, organized and sponsored by the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori, and brought together young students and representatives of the national and international media world and Italian Institutions.

“Growing between the Lines” is an unique event in the domestic communication landscape gathering on stage all the major media players, both press and radio & TV, as well as influential representatives of national Institutions and students to discuss the relationship between young people and the media and the role the latter can have as a development tool for young Italians, in order to help them achieve a sound critical mind-set which in itself is essential to guarantee the civic and democratic life of our country.

Two full working days for an all-embracing debate: meetings, round tables and discussions moderated by some of the best-known Italian journalists with the participation of editors, directors and CEOs of the main national and international media groups and a large number of representatives of the over 2 million students taking part in the “Quality Information in the Classroom” project.

Over the years numerous guests have taken part in this event, amongst them Joaquin Navarro Valls, Giulio Andreotti, Franco Frattini, Gianfranco Fini, Giulio Tremonti, Massimo D’Alema, Walter Veltroni, Matteo Renzi, and many more important national and international players such as James Murdoch, Jeff Bewkes, Marcus Brauchli, Richard Parsons, Tom Curley , Leonard Downie Jr, prestigious Italian editors and columnists such as Ferruccio de Bortoli, Mario Calabresi, Massimo Gramellini, Beppe Severgnini, Gianni Riotta and Enrico Mentana, some of the most influential personalities of our time like Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, John Elkann, Giovanni Bazoli, Corrado Passera, Federico Ghizzoni, Fabrizio Palenzona, Diego Della Valle and many other guests.