The seventh edition
10th anniversary of the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori
The estate of Borgo La Bagnaia hosted once again the conference “Growing between the lines”, now in its seventh edition: a special edition since we also celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori, always promoter of the event. Andrea Ceccherini, President of the Osservatorio, answering questions of the Deputy Director of La Stampa, Massimo Gramellini, defines what will be the theme of this edition, or integration between the print and the web and, as part of the project “The Quality Information in the Classroom” the increasing complementarity of the journal paper and new technologies:” in the project “The Quality Information in the Classroom” – said Ceccherini – with the journal paper, we tried to open more eyes of young people on world, to make sure that ripen the sake of having their own opinion of the facts that happen around them. Today, with the internet, we want to make them a step further, using new technologies to promote the pleasure of bringing their opinion in comparison with that of others and to give young people the protagonists who have never had. ” It was thus announced the desire to give life to a new initiative: a portal done by young people for young people “to give voice to a generation that does not have it, so that it can raise it high and strong in the country.”
The web and social networks were often the protagonists of the two days highlighting the process of changing the make news and communication that is now unstoppable. Matteo Renzi, Mayor of Florence, says that the Internet and social networks have also changed the language of politics, canceling in a sense the self and the distance that had been created between the representatives of the institutions and the citizens: social networks can integrate conventional means of communication, allowing an immediate and direct comparison.
Also he speaks of the importance of the web editor of “The Washington Post”, Marcus Brauchli, who stressed how vital the free information not only for democracies, but also, and above all, to all those companies that aspire to be such. This democratization process technology plays a major role because “beyond the control”: the inevitable reference to the uprising in Egypt game by news of a blog, and the disclosure of the same through Facebook: “technology means increased sources, very difficult to manage for those in power “, with these words Marcus Brauchli has animated the audience of students who have addressed several questions to the director. The President and CEO of Time Warner (one of the giants of information filmography), Jeff Bewkes, focused attention on the new powerful means of communication, however, inviting young people in the audience to not just read the news through social networks, but to continue to do it on paper newspapers explaining his position: “Twitter, Facebook and blogs put us in connection with your friends, but very often provide us with news of some or only a portion of that happened. Reading newspapers, however, favors the young in feeling part of the democratic and civil trial, approaches them and is passionate about the Jeff Bewkes policy. “It also lauded the initiative of “The Qulity Information in the Classroom” which considers how the project, related to publishing and the world of young people, the most important in Europe, calling for his “clone” in the United States.
Finally, how can we forget even the intervention of the Director of the Corriere della Sera, Ferruccio De Bortoli that rocked the audience with these words: “It is a problem that there is not a generational change, even in journalism. There is no mobility between social classes. I am surprised that young people do not rebel, are treated as unwanted guests, lived more as a problem than as a resource and confined in the night “. And again: “Among the boys he grows a sense of injustice. The same perhaps hence the “68” was born. But then there were so many young people today are half. In a decade 18years decreased by one million. Data are sobering. Dream less, they have less ambitions for the future of a life full of resentment”; inevitable that these words do not innescassero a repartee with young people in the room who discussed at length with the Director.
But these are just some of the interventions that have marked an intense two days of work, interviews, panel discussions during which the students were protagonists and inspiration of concrete proposals for the future.