The Quality Information in the Classroom” was conceived and launched by the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori in September 2000 from a solid point of reference, its mission, he wants “to do the youth of today the free citizens of tomorrow to make them more total of citizens freer.” For years, this project brings in most of the Italian high schools some of the most important and influential Italian newspapers (Corriere della Sera and Il Sole 24 Ore in Italy, Il Resto del Carlino, L’Unione Sarda, Il Giorno, La Nazione, L’Adige, Bresciaoggi, Il Messaggero, Il Giornale di Vicenza, L’Arena, Gazzetta di Parma, Il Gazzettino, La Gazzetta del Sud and Il Telegrafo by region).

Through quality information, in digital format and on paper, the Osservatorio seeks with its mission to make the younger generation more in control of themselves.

Here below is the format for “The Quality Information in the Classroom” project.

Once a week, during lessons in class, under the teacher’s supervision, three different daily newspapers are compared during a proper civic education class, so that day by day another building block is added to cultivate personal opinions and in particular to develop a critical mindset in young students.


The Osservatorio offers training to all teachers involved in the project. This activity is based on authoritative scientific contributions that enable a correct presentation of the newspapers to the students and offer useful ideas for running a lesson based on reading the newspapers. At the beginning of each school year, all teachers enrolled in the initiative receive a free publication published by “La Nuova Italia Editrice” and sent directly to the schools. During the school year, training days for teachers and students are organized all over the country.


Each year the Osservatorio sponsors, in partnership with the GfK Italia research institute, a national survey to monitor “The Quality Information in the Classroom” project and all related initiatives. This research is aimed at both teachers and students and also has the aim of surveying young people in order to understand their opinion of newspapers today and how they would prefer them to be in the future.